
Seminar on Recent Topics of Surface Physics

Mo. 10.00 Uhr, RH5 SR
*SFB-Kolloquium, Mi. 15.30 Uhr, RH5 KlHs,
bzw. Do. 17.15 Uhr, HS C, Chemie
Date Speaker Title
09.02.2024 Tim Bergmeier Extremely non-perturbative THz-nonlinearities in semiconductors
25.03.2024 Marleen Stallberg Spatio-temporal imaging on the nanoscale – my research experience at CU Boulder
15.05.2024 *Roberto Rosati, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Habilitation) Exciton transport in atomically thin semiconductor
22.05.2024 *Thomas Hannappel, Technical University Ilmenau Integration of semiconductor tandem structures
24.05.2024 Hrvoje Petek, University of Pittsburgh Brewing cold dark excitons from hot electrons in black phosphorus
03.06.2024 Sheng Meng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Light control of phase transitions
04.06.2024 Masahiro Shibuta, Osaka Metropolitan University Vibronic and excitonic fine structures in 2PPE spectra for polyaromatic molecular thin films
05.06.2024 *John Lupton, Regensburg University OLEDs – a model for Avian magnetoreception?
03.07.2024 *Claus Ropers, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences Probing structures and fields with electron pulses
12.09.2024 Andreas Heinrich, Ewha Womans University, Seoul Towards Quantum Computing with Spins on Surfaces
27.11.2024 *Tobias Brixner, Universität Würzburg Ultrafast Science from Sudoku to Many-Body Physics

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